(Click on image to enlarge)
For a final year project at the College of Arts,Delhi, applied arts student Tsundue Phunkhang collaborated with photographer Parikhit Pal, designers Varun Sardana, Gaurav and Ritika and blogger Mootboard to produce a series of images, featuring revamped canvas shoes. "This project was about taking a well known brand, in this case Bata and sort of reinventing it in terms of its image and style" says Tsundue. Varun Sardana , Gaurav and Ritika and blogger Mootboard were each given a pair of canvas shoes and asked to createa D-I-Y project with the shoes. Tsunde explains why he chose to use Bata shoes, "I have worn Bata canvas shoes for as long as i can remember, through school, and still do to date. As Parikhit pointed out, they're called canvas's,so the idea was to use it as a blank canvas to create something new".
Photographer Parikhit Pal
Styled by Tsundue Phunkhang and Mootboard
Hair and Make-up by Leeview
Model Abaan Raza
See it also on http://mobmag.in/fashion/footprint-canvas/