(Click on image to enlarge)
For a final year project at the College of Arts,Delhi, applied arts student Tsundue Phunkhang collaborated with photographer Parikhit Pal, designers Varun Sardana, Gaurav and Ritika and blogger Mootboard to produce a series of images, featuring revamped canvas shoes. "This project was about taking a well known brand, in this case Bata and sort of reinventing it in terms of its image and style" says Tsundue. Varun Sardana , Gaurav and Ritika and blogger Mootboard were each given a pair of canvas shoes and asked to createa D-I-Y project with the shoes. Tsunde explains why he chose to use Bata shoes, "I have worn Bata canvas shoes for as long as i can remember, through school, and still do to date. As Parikhit pointed out, they're called canvas's,so the idea was to use it as a blank canvas to create something new".
Photographer Parikhit Pal
Styled by Tsundue Phunkhang and Mootboard
Hair and Make-up by Leeview
Model Abaan Raza
See it also on http://mobmag.in/fashion/footprint-canvas/
Ratings from a non-fashion boy point of view
1st G&R - Takes it to a diff level
2nd MOB - Makes it look elegant
3rd VS - Hmm....
Dude this is some kind of awesome. Bata has always rocked my world, but these versions are just killing me! Who is the white sheer dress by in the varun sardana look by the way?
the sheer white dress is something i picked up at sarojini market, new delhi. no particular brand as such.
I love it! Glad that someone finally did it! Awesome!
Oh! I love the last one with the studs and safety pin!!!!
This is some kinda awesome! Must reinvent!
Much admiration for a fellow Indian fashion blogger.
Dude, this is Rad!!! I'm so picking up my pair and pouring my brains out :D
love, love, love this post!
just came across ur blog.
Love the stuff that u've got here.
Following you now :)
This is really neat :), just came across your blog , nice stuff :)
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